STANLEY NO. 20 BEVELED EDGE EVERLASTING CHISEL USA good user IF you are a collector of Stanley #20 sweetheart EVERLASTING Firmer chisels...don't laugh. Yes, it should be truly be 1" wide, but it is 15/16" wide. Yes, it should be 11 1/4" long, but it is only 9 1/4" long...2" of blade has be used. Yes, you would see a clear Stanley Sweetheart Stamp, but you can hardy read it. Yes, the handle should be perfect, but yet the owner (NORTH) carved his last name in it. Yes it should be mint, but it was resurrected from the dead!!! The great still has plenty of life!, solid handle, clean strike button, basically indestructible. A super user....and priced that way.... oldtoolhunter...when being honest counts!!!